Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will not bow down to the facebook gods!

I dedicate this blog to my very loving and nurturing meme, who has been riding me since I moved to OR to get on Facebook.  Something in my soul just will not let me sign up for it.  I hope this is sufficient for you meme, and all the lovely people I am lucky to call my friends.

It's been a little over a year since mom and I made our big journey to Oregon, and the change has been exciting and extremely spiritual for me.  I've had so much more free time to read, write, and be one with nature.  I mean, how could I not, it's the most amazing landscape I've ever seen, and I feel lucky to be here.  I've been able to pull my head out of my but and get a full time job, paid off debt, and enjoyed the freedom my mind now has that it is not consumed with the all mighty dollar.  The Wallace clan opened their home and their hearts to me from the moment I got here, and I have enjoyed being part of such a big boisterous family with so many wonderful and unique personalities.  I just hope I can return the generosity one day.  They remind me so much of my own family, and that has been so crucial to making a home here in Oregon for myself and my mommy.     

We've all had such a big 2010 and 2011... Ash and Tammy are now in DC, living their own glorious dream with a babyshug on the way.  Yes that's right I am going to be an aunt! And Mom is going to be a grandmother.  Feel free to email suggestions for what we should call her as her new role in the family. 

Rupert (my new crazy kitty) will be moving to our own home next month, and could not be more excited to unpack all my stuff again and have a place to call my own.  There's also a place for a garden, and let's face it, if you live here and don't have one, well you're just not doing OR right. 


  1. I would prefer a more public outlet with pictures if at all possible. I am a blog fan...but you will need to incorporate pictures for those of us that miss your face :) Love you!
    here is the photoblog:

  2. thanks for sharing Amber! resend with each new post :)
